The greatest gift you can hope for is a child/baby
The greatest gift you can hope for is a child/baby
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go
Klamath falls, OREGON (US)

Erin Brown is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Campaign Story
Hello my Name is Erin Brown I’m almost 5 feet tall and weigh 125 pounds. I’ve lost around 200 or so was hard work a few years some family had convinced me to get my tubes tied because my weight and I suffer from mental health problems and I have wanted a baby for so long up to the getting my tubes tied they said I couldn’t do it without my aunt who passed away I helped her with her kids and my sister’s kids as well I would love to feel that flutter you get in your tummy from being pregnant Nd being a mother.
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Erin Brown is organizing this fundraiser.